
Why It’s All About The List By Restaurant Catering Software

Michael Attias Aug 8, 2012
Michael Attias

I just picked up a book about copywriting for my Kindle. Though I have enough books about copywriting to sink a canoe, study never ends.

The big idea in this book is about having a “Big Idea” for your sales letter. Too many amateurs want to use valuable real estate to sell multiple items: catering, take-out, gift certificates, Sunday brunch, etc.

Imagine your intended recipient has A.D.D. Too much information and too many ideas and they’re off to another place. What is the one idea you want to get across? Is it hassle-free catering, your “On Time Or It’s Free. Guarantee” or your “grilled on site” service.

Now as important as the “One Big Idea” is, there is one factor six times more valuable to your marketing success. It’s the list. Your target market is overwhelmingly the deciding factor in a winning marketing campaign.

As we speak, school is starting back. Many of my members are successfully selling catering to schools for teacher’s in service week.

A full page ad in the local paper won’t reach the high school principals, nor will radio or TV spots during prime time. Renting or creating a list of all the public and private schools in your area is what you need to be successful.

To be even more successful, I would have someone call to clean up the list. Do you have the decision maker’s name and correct address?

Every single one of my homerun catering promotions started with a great list. If I can’t reach them cost effectively, then it’s just a pie in the sky idea.

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Don’t get me wrong. Great copywriting, testimonials, a strong offer, a call to action and a guarantee help immeasurably. But I’ve seen clients with crappy marketing pieces do well. It was all because of the list.

There’s good news for you. You’ll be in the 1% club. Most of your competitors will be falling prey to hot ad reps. How do I know? I used to spend tens of thousands of dollars with the super models of marketing.

Luckily, I chose to stick with the “girl next door”; direct marketing.

In the words of Ben Franklin, “There are only three faithful friends: an old wife, an old dog and plenty of ready money.”

I can personally testify to what a bad wife will do for you. I never had a dog that disappointed me, and the way to have plenty of ready money, is to have a system to create it, like catering.

Well That’s All For This Issue!

Michael Attias

Restaurant Catering Software

P.S. – If you need help growing catering sales, then please go to and download my free eBook: Cater or Die!

P.P.S. – I make a limited number of time slots available each week for a free Catering Strategy Session with me. For complete details and to grab one of the limited spots, please go to:

See more posts about: restaurant catering, catering software, catering sales, catering system, catering marketing, restaurant advertising

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