
We Can All Use A Dose Of Old Time Religion

Michael Attias Jul 9, 2015
Michael Attias

As many of you know, I was raised in an Orthodox-ish Jewish home. I use the suffix “ish” as a qualifier.

Like many of you, we each bring our own spin to our religions. My family never ate pork in or out of the house. Shellfish was enjoyed on our family trips to Florida and occasionally on paper plates on the back patio fresh off the grill.

We drove on the Sabbath and watched TV. In fact after Saturday morning services, my dad and I would rush home to catch Channel 5 Wrestling with Lance Russel and Dave Brown.

Today, I identify myself as more of a cultural Jew with strong spiritual beliefs. Dogma doesn’t have a spot in my life.

Whether you are Jewish, Christian, Muslim or Buddhist (yes I know there are more religions and some of you don’t practice one), I am guessing through upbringing and your personal path, you practice your special version of your religion.

Though it is considered poor taste to discuss politics or religion, I have no problem with either. In fact religion has been very, very good to me. Aside from the personal benefits from my faith, there is a practicality to getting a dose of old time religion.

Though I don’t have concrete numbers, I have catered many events for/at religious institutions.

My first thousand person plus event was for a groundbreaking of a church down the street from me. They had twelve hundred members hit all at once after morning services. We managed to feed them all in twenty minutes.

I wish I had kept track of all the catering events done for/at religious institutions: fellowship meals after services, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, bible studies, vacation bible schools, church youth, church sports, Friday night dinners, etc.

Like any niche, you want to make a list of all of the religious institutions in your market. Google is a great place to start. You can even rent small lists from Hoovers or InfoUSA.

 Call each institution to find out the name of the catering decision maker. Though there is no set catering decision maker, get the name of the executive director. They will be the door opener to volunteers and professionals who can help you book events.

 For instance, wouldn’t it be great to get in front of all of the parents having a Bar/Bat Mitzvah over the next twelve months. The executive director of the temple can put you in touch with the person in charge of educating the children going through this lifecycle event.

 Often times all of the families will get together for an open house.

 The deeper you dig into religion, the more niches you’ll find to target.

 Fear not. I’m not trying to convert you to my religion, but rather to become a born again marketer.

Can I have an Amen?    

Well, that’s all for this issue.


To Your Restaurant's Marketing & Catering Success,

Michael Attias

Restaurant Catering Software

P.S. – If you need help growing catering sales, then please go to and download my free eBook: Cater or Die! 

P.P.S. – I make a limited number of time slots available each week for a free Catering Strategy Session with me. (You also get a catering menu critique and free analysis of your website for “Catering Effectiveness”). For complete details and to grab one of the limited spots, please go to:

P.P.P.S. – Please check out my podcast at

P.P.P.P.S. - Anyone wishing to reprint my articles may do so. Please email me for the bi-line to use for proper author’s credits.

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