
Kitchen Display Bump Screen System with New Sound Notification

Michael Attias Apr 10, 2020
Michael Attias

In response to the changing needs of restaurants and catering businesses in this challenging time, we've pivoted our software company to focus on enhancing our takeout and food delivery tools.

In addition to further developing our online ordering system and delivery management software, we've also added a new feature to our popular kitchen production reports that are accessible on tablet.

Our kitchen display bump screen already included a visual way to alert kitchen staff that a new order has been placed, either through phone or through the online ordering interface.


Now we've added another way to ensure that a noisy busy kitchen environment will be aware of new orders.  When an order comes in, you'll hear a loud foghorn.  There's no way you'll miss it, and you'll be able to stay on top of incoming orders. 

Learn more about how our kitchen production reports can help you run a smoother operation:  Kitchen Production Reports features.

Takeout and Delivery Tools to Help You Stay Afloat During the Crisis


We've all been affected by Covid-19, but CaterZen's tools can help your business get through this.  

Visit the link below to learn more about our recently enhanced tools to help you sell more more takeout, curbside pickup and delivery.

Takeout & Food Delivery Software Tools

If you would like more information on how CaterZen is supporting restaurants and caterers during this time, you can call us toll free at 1-888-997-3433 and speak to one of our friendly team members. 

You can also schedule a personalized demo with Nell Herman, our Director of Enterprise Sales, to walk you through our software and tools to learn more about how CaterZen can help you continue and grow your business.

See more posts about: catering management


How is your business coping with these challenging times?  Let us know in the comments!

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